Our warm streak is safe. Despite some chilly September days, including last Saturday and Sunday, our average temperature this month is running a bit above normal in the Twin Cities. We started September very warm, with highs of 86, 88, 92 and then another 92. Add in the 95 degree high on September 11th, and the die was cast for a warmer than normal September. We’ll end this month with high temperatures several degrees above normal on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. In case you’re wondering, our average high is 67 degrees this time of year.
This is our 16th consecutive month of above average temperatures. Our warm streak included the warmest March and the second-warmest July in Twin Cities history. Looking ahead, some indicators point to a warmer than normal October. That’s OK with me, I have a lot of unfinished outdoor projects.
Update: On September 30th, the Climate Prediction Center of the National Weather Service revised their October temperature outlook for Minnesota . It now shows a tendency for below normal temperatures.
I’m on Twitter: @RonTrenda and LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/rontrenda