Thursday, January 19, 2012

Record tied, not broken

   We just missed setting a new record for the latest initial dip below zero in a Twin Cities winter. A few minutes before midnight on Wednesday January 18th, the temperature at MSP airport dipped to one below zero.  If we had been one degree warmer for just a few minutes, January 19th would have been the new record. Tying the old record is still pretty impressive, but it sure would have been fun to set a new record!.
    Here are the updated rankings for latest initial below zero readings in the Twin Cities, based on data provided by the Minnesota State Climatology Office :

Twin Cities First Below Zero Temperature: 1872-2012 Winters
 Rank,  Season,  First Below Zero date
1)  2011-12  January 18

1)  2001-02  January 18
1)  1888-89  January 18
4)  1954-55  January 16

5)  1881-82  January 14
6)  2002-03  January 11
6)  1974-75  January 11
6)  1913-14  January 11
9)  1877-78  January 4
10) 1969-70  January 2

   If Thursday is too cold for you, hang in there, temperatures rebound nicely this weekend.