As I mentioned in an earlier blog, 2012 was the warmest meteorological Spring (March through May) in Twin Cities history. Statewide, it was our second warmest Spring. The National Climatic Data Center reviewed U.S. temperature data for the past 118 years. Here is a graphic based on that data…118 on the graphic means that particular state saw its warmest Spring in 2012:
Minnesota’s 117 means that, statewide, we had our second warmest Spring. A whopping 31 states had their warmest Springs in the past 118 years! More info can be found at the NOAA-National Climatic Data Center website: NOAA-NCDC.
Warm temperatures weren't just confined to Spring. The past 12 months also set a record for warmth in the United States. According to the National Climatic Data Center “the June 2011-May 2012 period was the warmest 12-month period of any 12 months on record for the contiguous United States.” Here’s a graphic:
Warm temperatures weren't just confined to Spring. The past 12 months also set a record for warmth in the United States. According to the National Climatic Data Center “the June 2011-May 2012 period was the warmest 12-month period of any 12 months on record for the contiguous United States.” Here’s a graphic:
Many Twin Citians enjoyed the mild Winter that was followed by record Spring warmth. We saved on heating bills and were able to start our gardening, golfing and lawn mowing earlier than normal. It's cool today, but temperatures will rebound nicely over the next few days. Enjoy.
I’m on Twitter: @RonTrenda and LinkedIn: