Thursday, June 27, 2013

Rushing waters

  Minnehaha Falls is spectacular, and loud, right now.  That’s not surprising, since our Twin Cities precipitation (rainfall plus the water content in that annoying April snow) is 6.32 inches (64%) above normal since April 1.  Here’s how Minnehaha Falls looked yesterday afternoon:

                                (Left-click on the photo for a detailed view) 

  Generous spring rains have helped our lakes recover from the 2011-12 drought.  Based on data from the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District MCWD, the water level of Lake Minnetonka is 9 inches higher than it was at this time last year.  The amount of water flowing out of Gray’s Bay Dam right now is six times the flow that was recorded at this time last year. That has contributed to a robustly flowing Minnehaha Creek, and a very picturesque Minnehaha Falls.  Nice!

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